Friday, February 01, 2013

Hexographer Hex-a-fies Anything!

Those of you looking to convert the more modern, suitable-for-framing style artsy world maps into traditional, suitable-for-hex-crawlin' maps might want to give this new feature in Hexographer a look:
Hexographer just got a new feature: Converting a map (or really any PNG image) into a hex map! This is designed to make it a little easier to create a hex map based on another map you’ve created or scanned.
And now I'm intrigued by the possibilities of hex-a-fying things that were not intended to be maps originally.


  1. This pleases me immensely.

  2. That is a fascinating idea you've got there, Trollsmyth.

    I've always been a fan of generating maps/adventures using unusual methods. I wonder what kind of map would be created if I converted--for example--a group photo of my game group.

  3. LS,

    Yep! Regular patterns (Celtic knotwork and the like) are too repetitive, unfortunately. But yeah, a pic of your gaming group might be just the thing.

  4. Sweet. Thanks for drawing my attention to this.

  5. Mathius 788:17 PM

    This is an awesome feature. So any idea what is in the middle of you hex map? I would love to see more on how you actually run the game. Thanks for that great set of articles.
