Tuesday, July 08, 2008



Sorry for being absent so long. I've been really under the weather, and haven't even been reading the intrawebs much since I posted last.

That being the case, I'm sure there's already been a lot said and posted about this great guide by Mythmere on how to play old school RPGs. I think he nails it, but that probably doesn't surprise regular readers, as he discusses the central importance of the GM crafting the game for a particular group and resource management.

It's also making me wonder if I'd prefer a game with more of a combat focus, where we don't worry about how many torches the PCs are lugging around, and focus instead on "meaningful" combats full of dramatic importance. I dunno, maybe. I kinda fall down here because I keep wanting games like this to mimic reality as I know it a bit better than they do. But then, I'm the guy who has a trouble letting go and embracing the silly, slapstick fun of Paranoia.


  1. It's also making me wonder if I'd prefer a game with more of a combat focus, where we don't worry about how many torches the PCs are lugging around, and focus instead on "meaningful" combats full of dramatic importance.

    This isn't a lead up to saying you've seen the light and will be adopting 4e, is it?

  2. Glad to see you're back in the saddle!

  3. Thanks for the kind words, guys.

    This isn't a lead up to saying you've seen the light and will be adopting 4e, is it?

    LOL! No, but I can't help thinking that 4e will make the basis for an awesome turn-based CRPG in the style of the Ultima games. Turn-based is a bit of an anathema right now in computer games, but if they make, I'll be all over that like white on rice.

    - Brian

  4. Assumed you were off on vacation, Brian. Sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly and hope you're on the mend. Your sifting of the RPG blogs was missed!

  5. Welcome back! Glad that you're starting to feel better, you've been missed.

  6. Good to have ya back! Hope you're feeling better soon.
