Tuesday, June 26, 2007

More Green Ronin Goodness

The Fates have been unkind to Green Ronin. First, they had issues with the printer for their Free RPG Day stuff. So they made their freebies available on their website (which was better for you and me anyway, because there just wasn’t enough dead-tree freebie material to satisfy demand, from what I’ve heard). Only, the demand was so large, lots of people couldn’t get in to download the goodies. A real mess.

But Green Ronin, as I’ve said before, is a class act. They’ve turned Free RPG Day into Free RPG Week. Here’s the schedule for goodies listed on their web page:

Tuesday: The Mutants & Masterminds Beginner's Guide will be free once again for 24 hours. The following Mutants & Masterminds PDFs will also go on sale for the rest of the week: Mutants & Masterminds Second Edition for $15, Agents of Freedom for $10, and the Masterminds Manual for $13.50.

Wednesday: At long last the Pirate's Guide to Freeport will debut. The full price of the PDF is $19 but for this week we're offering it for only $17. The following Freeport PDFs will also go on sale for the rest of the week: Freeport Trilogy 5-Year Anniversary Edition for $12, Creatures of Freeport for $10, and Crisis in Freeport for $8.50.

Thursday: Bleeding Edge Adventure #5: Temple of the Death Goddess will be free once again for 24 hours. The following Bleeding Edge PDFs will also go on sale for the rest of the week: Mansion of Shadows, Beyond the Towers, Dirge of the Damned, and A Dreadful Dawn.

Friday: True20 Adventure Roleplaying will be free once again for 24 hours. The following PDFs will also go on sale for the rest of the week: True20 Bestiary for $12, True20 Companion for $10, and True20 Worlds of Adventure for $9.

I can certainly recommend True20. Hell, I’ve been recommending True20 when you had to pay for it. Getting it for free is really a no-brainer, folks.

At the risk of sounding like a shill (and seriously, I don’t work for ‘em and they don’t pay me for this), thanks again to the GR folks for stepping up to the plate and once again demonstrating that they are the sort of company I want to do business with.

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